Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dakota Took the Plunge!

Last Thursday (Sept.17th) the last of our little girls decided to join the thousands of others out there...she got her ears pierced! We have always told the girls they could decide to have it done when they were 5.

Mckenna had hers done the day she turned 5.

Ainsley waited a little longer and had them done a month or so after she turned 5. She tried once before, but got too nervous when it was time for the girl to open the package. Then one day, she said I want them done today. Now, in Fort Nelson, there wasn't a lot of choice, so thankfully they were able to take her on that day!
Dakota has been talking about it for a few months. She asked me to pinch her ears so she would know the pain. One day she said I want them done. I told her that we'd have to wait until tomorrow because Dad wants to be there with us. The next morning she said today is the day. She said if she can handle the pain of cracking her collar bone, then she can handle earrings. Her trusted friend "B" of course, came along for the ride. We picked out her birth stone and I'm so thankful that there were 2 girls there, so both ears were done at once. She squeezed her Dad's hand and started to tear up as we said, "YAY! You're all done!" Her ears were burning for a bit but have been healing very nicely!

The Before Pictures
(she has that uneasy look in her eyes!)

The After Pictures!

(her eyes are much more excited now!)

First Day of School!

Wow! August 31st really crept up on us fast this year! The girls were very excited about getting to school with all their new supplies- and excited to be there with their friends, instead of hanging out in the empty building while I got things ready and set up! I took the usual photos in the morning before we headed out the door. Wow! Grades 2, 3, and 6! When did that happen? They are all very pleased with their teachers- it's neat that each one matches their personality to a tee. Mckenna has a male teacher who has taught them some great indoor and outdoor athletic games. Ainsley has a calming teacher who does silly things with them. Ainsley says, "she doesn't yell and her outfits are very well put together." Dakota has an excellent teacher who works hard academically, and goes along with the flow of things- not everyday is the same. I'm impressed that Dakota is starting to jump on the "reading and math questions stuff" a little more this year.