Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swimmers 'R' Us

Mckenna and Ainsley competed in their first swim meet of the season on Saturday. They had to be up and to the pool for a 6:30am start. They were excited and a little nervous to see how the Alberta meets were ran. They quickly realized that they are all the same, and settled in for a day of races, snacks, drinks, and more snacks. I had a cooler full of food and after every race they would recharge their system for the next one. Bill had to work, so he missed all the action, but Dakota and I sat and cheered all day. Well, maybe me, while Dakota coloured and watched movies. She was pretty patient considering we never left until 5:30pm.
Anyway, the girls raced hard and even won some of their heats! Ainsley signed herself up to compete in the 100m IM which is where they do a length of each discipline (butterfly, breast, backstroke, and freestyle). She was slow and steady and very proud of herself for finishing without being disqualified. Mckenna swam hard and her fastest race was her backstroke!
We are proud of our girls! They worked hard, cheered loud and are ready for their next meet!
I've attached the results for their races...it lists the event, time, and placing.

June 6, 2009 Grande Prairie Swim Meet

Wolstenholme, Ainsley
G 8&U 100 IM

Wolstenholme, Ainsley
G 8&U 25 Breast

Wolstenholme, Ainsley
G 8&U 25 Back

Wolstenholme, Ainsley
G 8&U 50 Free

Wolstenholme, McKenna
G 9&10 50 Back

Wolstenholme, McKenna
G 9&10 50 Breast

Wolstenholme, McKenna
G 9&10 100 Free

Wolstenholme, McKenna
G 9&10 50 Free


  1. Yay!! LOVING your Blog!! So glad you took the plunge. We'll really look forward to reading your updates, and it'll keep me motivated to keep my posts updated too! Great job, Syb!
    Sounds like those girls are fantastic little swimmers... we hope to watch them in action while we're there. Keep the info coming - we love it! And love you guys, too. Can't wait to see you!

  2. Well well well...it's official that you are becoming more computer involved than I am lol. Sure sounds like the girls are doing well with swimming. I am sure they could do laps around me no problem. Well as I just got off the phone with you, I dont have a whole lot to say lol. Take care and Hi to Bill and the girls! Miss you all!!!
