Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This is Kota after spending a long day and night at Disneyland in April. She is pooped out and ready for sleep! When asked what her favourite part of the trip was she says "Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Grizzly River Run, and Pirates of the Carribean." As you can see, she was all about the daredevil rides! She was upset when she was too short for some of the wild ones...I, on the other hand, was relieved she was too short!

Early July we went camping to Figure Eight Lake, which is 20 minutes northeast of Peace River. We went to the lake to fish from the shore one evening and the girls had a blast! This is Dakota with her very first fish! She reeled it in all by herself, with a little coaching from her Dad. She was very proud of her catch. The hook was embedded quite deep, so we had to keep it. We cooked it over the fire later, and Dakota loved the taste of her trout!
It's hard to believe that Dakota is beginning Grade 2 in a week! She had a very busy summer learning how to ride a bike with hand brakes, camping, playing with her cousins, and spending time outside. She has had many laughs this summer and the more I really stopped to listen to her laugh, the more I realize it is exactly a "Dakota" laugh; a genuine, loud laugh that comes right up from her toes.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE her fish picture - such a happy smile! And how did that go over: you got to keep Dakota's fish but not Ainsley's? ah!
