Sunday, November 7, 2010

Moose Jaw, or Bust!

Bill's Great Aunt and Uncle (Bill and Evelyn Gilmour) were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on their farm in Moose Jaw, so we decided to attend the festivities.

It was a long drive, but we were very glad that we made the trip. It meant so much to Bill's Auntie Evelyn that so many of us came from her side of the family. It was wonderful to see and meet so many other Wolstenholmes. The kids thought it was neat that there were other kids and adults with Wolstenholme as their last name.

We enjoyed visiting with everyone and exploring Moose Jaw and area. We took Avery and London with us, as Geo and Jenn had to go to the States with Taylor. They were worried that it would be a lot of work for us, but with 3 girls fighting over them, and Bran and Cole and Gord and Pen helping too, it was a breeze. We were able to get some cute pictures of all the grandkids!

(I can not seem to figure out how to move the pictures past each other! Grr! Technology...anyway, the pictures are not where I wanted them, but they are here, nonetheless!)

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