Sunday, November 7, 2010

Soccer, Soccer

All three girls played outdoor soccer this season, instead of swimming. That was quite an adjustment for me, but just as busy! As well as rec league soccer, Ainsley and Dakota played Wolves soccer, so there were lots of practices and a few tournaments too. In July, Mckenna was asked to play with the Wolves team in her age group. She was able to play with them until we left on holidays.

In early July, Ainsley and Mckenna both had a tournament in Red Deer. Bill had to work, so the girls and I were off. We stayed with Shan and Kel, and had a wonderful visit with them and their girls. It was nice to spend some time with them; that hasn't happened for a long time. I really appreciate them opening their home to 4 girls (Ainsley's friend Jenna came with us for the weekend), 1 tired mom, and the smelly soccer gear! Gord and Pen came up early Saturday morning, watched the games, and left Sunday afternoon. They were a huge help with taking either Ains and Jenna, or Mckenna to games. I appreciated their help, and the girls were excited that they were there to watch them.

Ainsley and Mckenna played hard and Mckenna's team fought hard and won the bronze!

Here are some various soccer pictures from the season!

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