Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bill's Second Hitch

 Bill left on June 26th for his second trip over to Africa. It came with tears, but we are crossing off the days with excitement because then we are on our month long family holiday! The first photo is a view from the airport in Frankfurt, Germany. He flew a little bit of a different route this time. He had very long lay overs but he arrived safe and sound. During one of his lay overs in Algiers, a driver took him to the Halliburton compound so he could try to get a little rest. Bill said the room they let him rest in was one of the rooms that the Halliburton big wigs stay in when they visit Algiers. YOu can certainly see how different the room is compared to Bill's room in Hassi.

 This is a photo of the freeway that is right outside of the Halliburton offices in Algiers.
Bill said that when he got bak to work he was swamped with all of the crossover notes and work that carried over from Kelly's shift. After that died down, it has been business as usual. Extremely hot temperatures right now...he is always telling us mid 50's. Yikes! I will not complain when it reaches 30 here. He hasn't been sleeping well this time 'round. He was battling a cold when he left home, so that has worn him out. As well, there is a flu bug going around right now, so unfortunately he caught that too, and is battling that. He is eating what he can from the cafeteria, but he did bring over some rice pouches and tuna snacks from home, so he has a little food on hand in his room. He has met a few more people this time and has been visiting with a few at supper or at BBQ's- I was glad to hear that! The girls and I really miss him, but we are almost to the halfway mark! I sure hope he starts to feel better soon!

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