Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Grade 8 Prom

I could not even begin to tell you why I can not move these two photos over...I guess they are so special that they want their own special place on the blog page. Unfortunately Bill had to leave for Algeria just a couple days before Kenna's prom, so I asked him to put on a nice shirt and Kenna dawned her dress so I could get some photos of the two of them. They look fabulous together and Bill looks so proud! Of course I had to get a shot of the pj pants that were never supposed to "be in the shot". I love these daddy/daughter shots!

This is Mckenna's good friend Victoria. They are so excited for their evening to start! 

 Victoria, Courtney, Kelsi, and Kenna

The theme of the prom was Japan...a very fitting theme, seeing as they stud that topic in Gr.8 Social.

Mckenna getting her certificate from the principal. She also received an engraved key chain because she earned honours in every subject. She is keeping the key chain for her car keys...I say house keys...

Our beautiful girls

I got Victoria to take a shot of the 4 of us.

Ains and Kota just heading in to the gym. Can you believe these young ladies are entering Grade 5 and 6? When did that happen? They wored very hard this year and had an excellent report card that they should be very proud of. I know we are!

 A photo of the waterfall braid...

We are so proud of Mckenna! She worked so hard this year, both academically and athletically. She worked hard to find a balanc between school and sports. It is hard to believe that she is moving to the high school to begin Grade 9. Are we really on the downslope?

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